As in any business, you must familiarize yourself with laws, permits, rules, and regulations. Additionally, you must anticipate your time and monetary commitments. Unfortunately, many businesses take advantage of what you don’t know. We help families avoid the pitfalls of scams and unscrupulous companies that prey on your trust.
I'm Kelleen Torres, a mother of five and the founder and owner of California Kids Talent Connection. I started this business to help families navigate the complex worlds of entertainment and modeling. With so many difficult stories of people being taken advantage of financially, and even physically, I felt compelled to stand up for our children and shed light on a legitimate way to achieve their dreams. There are many different paths to a career in entertainment or modeling and we are here to help you find yours.
California Kids Talent Connection (C.K.T.C.) is not an agency, we are a consulting firm. We’re fully licensed & bonded. Importantly, we hold a Child Performer Services permit. Did you know that anyone who intends to represent or provide child performer services to any artist or performer who is under 18 years old in the state of California for a fee must have a child performer service permit?
As a firm run by parents for parents, we put your child’s welfare first.
Kelly is a proud member of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and on the board of the Entertainment, Art and Media Committee.
The committee supports the chamber's strategic plan goals and objectives as it relates to engaging, serving, and advocating on behalf of Hollywood's diverse creative arts community including entertainment production, studios, performing arts venues,
galleries and theaters.